Pavement is not only aesthetically pleasing to look at, but also serves a real purpose. Pavement allows for a smooth surface, providing an attractive and comfortable ride. With Florida’s well known rainy season, pavement is a great alternative to gravel, dirt, or shell, not to mention cleaner!
To preserve the look of your new pavement, waiting a minimum 24 hours is recommended.
Yes! At Seaton Paving, your estimator stays involved as your project manager, seeing the project through from start to finish.
The initial investment cost for asphalt is much less than concrete. Long term repair costs are also much lower with asphalt than concrete.
A. Our estimates are always free! B. You can easily obtain an estimate by calling us at 239-985-9860, emailing us at, or faxing us at 239-985-9870. C. Our estimators will provide your estimate in a timely fashion and can work around your schedule. Our estimators will be happy to meet you on site to …
Sealing protects your new asphalt from a variety of elements. Gasoline and oil leaks from your vehicles deteriorate and weaken the asphalt, leaving visible, unpleasant stains. Rain is a key player to raveling; unsealed pavement allows water to penetrate the surface. Also, Florida’s hot sun can dry the asphalt out (oxidation) leaving behind weak and …
References – please see References.
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